Get Joyful Today Hypnotherapy
& NLP Life Coaching
Specializing in Clinical and Spiritual Hypnotherapy
The Most Powerful and Transformational Tool Ever!
~Powerful~ Effective~ Safe~
Meet Susan Lawrence
Specializes in Childhood & Past Life Regression, Fears, Traumas, Guilt & Grief Release, Improve Relationships, Increase Confidence
Spiritual Hypnosis for Divine Healing, & Akashic Records
Certified Clinical & Spiritual Hypnotherapist

Unlock your true potential at, where deep healing and transformation await. I specialize in helping you release childhood traumas, fears, guilt, and grief, guiding you toward a life of greater joy, confidence, and peace. My powerful sessions also focus on improving relationships and emotional well-being. Certified by Dr. Brian Weiss in Past Life Regression and Dolores Cannon in Quantum Healing Hypnosis, I use these transformative techniques, along with Akashic Records and spiritual hypnosis, to facilitate profound healing. Sign up today and begin your journey toward lasting change and inner harmony!
Maximize Your Human Potential
Welcome to Get Joyful Hypnotherapy & NLP Life Coaching! Susan Lawrence, CCht is a highly experienced and certified & spiritual hypnotherapist and NLP life coach. She will help you tap into your body's inner wisdom and maximize your human potential. Together, let's explore hypnotherapy and discover a more joy-filled life

Certified by
Dolores Cannon, QHHT
As a level two QHHT practitioner, I use QHHT hypnotherapy to help my patients access the underlying causes of their emotional, mental, and physical ailments. I am passionate about helping my clients feel empowered and gain control over their lives so they can live their best life. The QHHT sessions help my clients achieve emotional healing, reclaim joy and live the life they desire. My goal is to assist people in discovering their true potential and to enable them to live a life they love. Let QHHT be your answer!
QHHT - Quantum Healing
Hypnosis Technique

Introducing the R.E.S.E.T Technique!

The RESET Technique: Releasing Early Suppressed Emotional Trauma
Discover the remarkable journey to inner peace, happiness, and fulfillment in this groundbreaking book, The RESET Technique. This transformative guide offers a powerful and proven method to release the hidden fears and emotional burdens that have been holding you back.
Imagine a life free from anxiety, depression, and the weight of past traumas. Picture yourself achieving your goals and experiencing joy, love, and success like never before. The RESET Technique reveals the path to living without fear, unlocking your true potential, and embracing your best self.
Have you ever felt trapped by past emotional wounds? Do you find yourself struggling to fully embrace self-love and acceptance? RESET offers a transformative solution by addressing early suppressed emotional trauma that may be holding you back from living your best life.

Certified By Dr. Brian Weiss
Experience a remarkable transformation with Get Joyful Hypnotherapy & NLP Life Coaching - a pioneering hypnotherapy practice specializing in stress anxiety, past life regressions, childhood healing, quitting smoking, weight management, relationships, fears and phobias, Spiritual and Akashic, improving confidence, sleep changes unwanted habits, grief, and guilt.

What Can I Help
You With?
Stress, Anxiety
Fear of __(anything)__
Childhood drama
Insecurity, Not good enough,
Abused, Raped, Molested
Anger Management
Grief, Coping with loss
School phobia, test taking,
Removing Habits of all kinds
Weight control, loss, gain
Addictions: Drugs, Alcohol,
Smoking, or Gambling,
porn -you name it
Past Life Progression
Future Life Progression
Relationship Issues
Sexual Issues
Sports Improvement
Weight Loss or Gain
Compulsive Spending
Hair pulling
Smoking Cessation
Sugar Addiction
Anger Management
Public Speaking
Stop Self Harming/cutting
Dealing with Bosses
Successful Interviews
Finding Lost Objects
Losing a Pet
Separation Anxiety
Getting ready to cross over
Psychic & Paranormal
Spiritual Awakening
Divine Healing with Angels
Messages from the Divine
Akashic Records-Your book of life
Connecting w/ Departed Pets and
Loved Ones
Remove Negative Energy & Beliefs
Inner Child healing
Finding the root cause of issues & releasing it
Letting go of hurt and pain
Releasing illness
Lack of Joy in your life
Feeling defeated
Life Coaching
NLP - Neurological Programming
There is so much more,
Call me for a quick consultation.

July 11, 2018
'I always seem to run into fascinating people dedicated to health and wellbeing in South Florida. If you’ve been following my adventures, you already know there is much to do here to be well. But very recently, something strange happened. " MORE

Hypnotize Yourself Healthy
Finally… The Most Advanced, Hypnosis Techniques Designed For Those Who Want To Transform Their Lives Quickly.
Discover the power of Get Joyful Hypnotherapy & NLP Life Coaching and unleash your inner potential. Our cutting-edge methodology combines hypnosis and NLP to allow you to tap into the hidden power of the subconscious mind, enabling you to create love, abundance, and happiness in your life. Unlock your true potential and begin living the life you were meant to live.
Transform Your Life by Simply Changing Your Beliefs
Release Stress, Anxiety, Anger or Grief
Improve Confidence at Work, Home, In Relationships, or Public Speaking
Remove Unwanted Habits - Addictions, Smoking, Weight Issues
Understand Your Soul Mates and Soul Companions
Enjoy Freedom from Unhealthy Beliefs, Fears or Phobias

You came to the right place!
Are you tired of feeling anxious and stressed all the time? Imagine a life free from anxiety, where you can finally break free from the shackles of fear and live in peace. Introducing our revolutionary solution - a unique approach to addressing the root cause of your anxiety and eliminating it for good. With our innovative method, we dive deep into your subconscious mind to uncover the hidden emotions that have been holding you back for years. By acknowledging and releasing these emotions, we offer you a path towards true freedom and emotional well-being. Just imagine how amazing it would feel to never experience anxiety again! Don't let anxiety control your life any longer. Take the first step towards a brighter future by embracing our transformative solution. Start your journey towards lasting peace today and say goodbye to anxiety forever!

Work With Susan
Get Joyful Hypnotherapy & NLP Life Coaching, specializes in helping people overcome the habits, fears, phobias, and limiting beliefs that keep them from living their best life. Susan Lawrence uses a combination of hypnosis, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)to help you access and reprogram your subconscious mind, allowing you to make positive changes in your life. Together, we can free you from the emotional, psychological, and physical barriers that have been holding you back, and start living the life you’ve always wanted.
Unexplained fears, pain, or emotional issues may be rooted in past lifetimes.
I was trained in the art of past life regressions, by the master himself, Dr. Brian Weiss, author of Many Lives, Many Masters. Dr. Weiss is the leading psychiatrist in the field of past life regressions and I have felt honored to have the opportunity to learn from the best!
This is the first step toward better health. Deep inside, you know that you’ll be healthier and happier when you kick the habit. But perhaps you have doubts. Can you really quit smoking, once and for all? The answer is a resounding, “YES!” By accessing your subconscious mind, you can control the addiction and take back your life!

Quit Smoking
Quick, easy, and effective techniques to begin living a healthy lifestyle!
Start Today!
"In one 60 minute session, 50 years of smoking 2 packs every day ended. No withdrawal, no sweats, no cravings. I got the monkey off my back, a dark entity removed from soul, and a future that is bright, healthy and a will to live. . ."

Begin Your Journey to Joy ...
with Susan Lawrence as Your Guide!
This revolutionary technique is designed for those who want to save themselves lifetimes of unnecessary trials and tribulations and prevent all future suffering by healing the three blocks that keep you from living life beyond your dreams - and that is your pain, your judgement and your fear.
What you judge from your experiences becomes your beliefs and your beliefs become your own version of reality.
There is great creative power behind these limited beliefs which prevent you from living the fullness of life.
Underlying these beliefs are your fears. These fears attract more people and situations into your life to bring you the opportunity to become aware of them so you can heal and grow beyond them. The H.O.P.E. Hypnosis Technique is a simple process which will help you recognize and honor your pain, judgments and hidden fears. This is what heals and releases them, as well as all limited beliefs that accompany them.
In a quiet and serene setting, ease into a relaxed focused concentration where you can locate where these deep-seeded restricting beliefs are growing and weed them out once and for all. Following the guidance of a gentle voice, those negative thought patterns - guilt, anger, resentment, sorrow, grief, inadequacy, not good enough, worry, no self-esteem, lack of confidence and fear of all sorts - will sprout up and come to the surface where they could be easily removed. This allows room for new positive behaviors, thoughts and feelings to grow. It is the beginning of your joy.. and life flourishing!

This book kept me intensely interested from beginning to end. The wonder of the hypnotic process and the comforting words of this gifted practitioner makes me excited to try hypnosis for myself to find peace and answers to my questions. I am waiting anxiously for Susan's next book and another collection of miracles
#1 Best Selling Book:
Explore The Gateway To Finding Answers Within
Lawrence uses accounts from hypnosis sessions and past-life regression exercises to compellingly illustrate the ways that such practices can change one’s mind and life path.
The debut author, a certified clinical hypnotist, offers a stunning series of dialogues between herself and her patients, ranging from successful authors to people with a history of self-harm. Each of them has something in common: a desire to move past a mental obstacle in life. Lawrence carefully guides patients into a hypnotic state and encourages them to unlock their keys to shame, pain, misery, and self-destruction.
A gateway to understanding regression therapy that clearly depicts its power and potency.
— Lisa Marie, A True Believer and Fan
Explore Your Divine State of Mind... And Find The Answers Within!*

Please schedule your appointment here. However, if you do not see a time which works for you, please contact me and we will find a convenient time which works for you.
Disclaimer: *Please note that results may vary person to person. Some therapies take longer than others.